Techăpolis Update

It’s been a while since we’ve posted to the blog but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy. Here’s what’s been going on since our last post: SugJester SugJester ran into a number of problems right after our post.  While we’re still excited about the prospect of this service we’re not actively working towards an […]

Introducing PhonetiText

Introducing PhonetiText

My wife is currently in graduate school to become a speech and language pathologist. She was looking for a way to practice phonetics and was looking for an app that allowed her to text and email phonetically. To our surprise there was nothing available in the App Store to do such a thing. After some convincing she commissioned me […]

Code to Google Ratio

Code to Google Ratio

I’ve been using this term for quite a while now and most developers can relate.  The internet is an amazing thing.  I don’t know where I would be without it.  Google, specifically Stack Overflow via Google, is the quickest way to answering any question, and technical questions are no exception.  Your code to Google ratio, or […]

Rails Truncate

Rails Truncate

  Background Info Ruby on Rails has a pretty steep learning curve.  I should know, I’ve been working with it all summer and I’ve just recently crossed the break-even point in my code to Google ratio.  It doesn’t help that I’d never seen Ruby before.  I’ve been working with PHP off and on for over 10 […]